Friday, August 28, 2015

Vitamins And Nutritional Supplements: Avoiding Fad Diet Shams

In this day and age you simply cannot pick up a magazine or turn on a television set without seeing an advertisement for some sort of new diet program or plan.

With all of the claims being made in regard to the various diet regimens it can be very difficult to determine what diet plans will work and what diet plans will not be effective. Included within many diet plans are the usage of different types of vitamin and nutritional supplement products.

There are a number of factors that you need to keep in mind when weighing and balancing a diet program that you are considering implementing. In this regard, you will want to take a look at how a diet program incorporates the usage of vitamins and nutritional supplements and at what sorts of claims a particular diet plan makes to its adherents.

Vitamins And Nutritional Supplements: Avoiding Fad Diet Shams

Unfortunately, there are many marketing campaigns underway in this day and age that promote vitamins and nutritional supplements in such a way that these products seem like “wonder drugs.” There are many operators who are hawking vitamin and nutritional supplement products with claims that they will work wonders, that they will permit you to undergo a rapid weight loss.

There are, indeed, some products which can assist a person in losing weight rather fast. However, fast weight loss is not always healthy weight loss. In fact, study after study confirms that many people who have experienced a rapid weight loss -- many times using a vitamin or nutritional supplement product -- have ended up regaining the lost weight (or even more) in the end.

Vitamins And Nutritional Supplements: Avoiding Fad Diet Shams

They key to incorporating nutritional supplements as well as vitamins into an overall program is to ensure that these products work towards both health and sustained weight loss. In other words, it is vital to avoid fad diets.

Fad diets are not only ineffective in the long run -- these diet plans and regimens can cause serious health problems to an adherent. Once again, it is vital that you avoid those diet plans that make outlandish claims. In the end, weight loss and proper weight maintenance requires healthy dieting, the proper use of nutritional supplements as well as vitamins and regular, appropriate exercise.

By combining these three elements of health living, you will be well on your way towards reaching your weight loss goals -- and towards keeping the weight off on into the future.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Why you should take the correct amount of nutritional supplements

In nutritional supplements, the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) set by the FDA is a guideline of the minimum amounts needed of a nutrient to stay healthy, but in numerous cases consuming more may be right for you. You ought to consult your doctor before taking larger quantities but in many cases, additional quantities may be needed to meet your personal requirements. Some medications and medical conditions can impact the body's ability to absorb and utilize vitamins and minerals and your doctor, nutritionist or other health care provider can advise you what amounts are best for you.

Why you should take the correct amount of nutritional supplements

Keep in mind that if you take the right amounts of herbal or other supplements, there is a huge benefit in better health, more energy and greater mental clarity. The problem occurs only when vitamins and minerals are consumed in huge quantities, well over the published RDA. Since many nutritional supplements can appear as if they are candy to a child, always store your supplements in a safe place, out of reach of little hands.

One reason it is important to take the correct amounts of nutritional supplements is that over-supplementation can impact your health and even be hazardous. For instance, if you take high doses of Vitamin E, it won't be harmful but it can cause Vitamin K to be useless in clotting blood. If too much Vitamin E were taken in conjunction with blood thinners that various medical conditions require, significant dangers such as nose bleeds and injuries that can't be stopped from bleeding could potentially result. Since Vitamin E is stored in the body's fat, the impact can be cumulative when consuming too much of this necessary vitamin.

If excessive amounts of calcium are taken, the potential that formation of kidney stones can happen should be considered. Certain dietary issues such as high quantities of dairy products in the diet combined with large quantities of tea add to the possibility of painful stone formation.

Folic acid, when taking the right amounts of nutritional supplements, is very important. When too much is taken, Vitamin B12 deficiency can be masked. Amounts of niacin well in excess of the RDA can damage liver tissues as well as cause gastrointestinal upsets while the right dosage can be very important to good health and a sense of wellness.

Iron is another thing to be certain to take the right amount rather than too much. Some children have been poisoned by overdosing on iron and you should always make certain to purchase iron in a childproof package.

Selenium, when taking the right amounts, is very beneficial. Amounts over the RDA can result in vomiting, nervous system problems and even hair and nail loss. Lesions on the skin can appear. It is very important to take this very necessary supplement in recommended quantities.

Why you should take the correct amount of nutritional supplements

Taking doses, much over the RDA, of Vitamin A has the potential to cause serious liver damage. It can even cause birth defects if huge amounts are taken during pregnancy, especially if this occurs during the first trimester of the pregnancy.
Nerve disorders and muscle weekends can result from taking far too much Vitamin B6 over a prolonged period of time.  Vitamin C can cause diarrhea and urinary tract problems if taken in extremely large doses.

Taking the right amounts of nutritional supplements containing Vitamin D is important. The result of overdosing on Vitamin D can be irreversible kidney damage, potentially causing the need for dialysis for the rest of the person's lifetime. Heart and blood vessel damage can also occur when the dosage is much too high.
Zinc, a very necessary component for health, can reduce the body's ability to absorb copper and mute the body's immune system response. Immune system response is crucial for the body to be able to fight off illness and disease.

Any supplements, even if they only contain herbs and botanicals, have the potential to be dangerous if not used with caution. Again, if taken in the right amounts, they can be quite useful; just don't take higher quantities than recommended. Since there is no RDA for any of these products controlled by the FDA, never exceed the dosage on the label unless a qualified health care professional tells you to do so. Also, remember to keep in mind, herbal supplements are not necessarily approved by the FDA but instead, are only regulated.

Brewer's yeast in huge amounts can cause nausea and diarrhea. Chaparral can result in toxic hepatitis when over-dosage occurs. Comfrey in large amounts has been found to cause liver damage. Excessive use of germanium can result in kidney failure and has even resulted in death so be vigilant about any product that contains this substance. Ginseng can help memory and mental clarity in the right amounts when too much has been shown to cause blood pressure fluctuations, anxiety and insomnia. Ma Huang when taken in large amounts can cause blood pressure to increase, muscle injury to occur and nerve damage. Yohimbe has the potential to cause kidney failure, seizures and death when taken in huge amounts.

It is easy to see why you must take the right amounts of nutritional supplements. The benefits are great when used properly but the dangers, as with almost any medication or natural supplement, can be very bad. Listen to your health care professionals about how much to take and be sure to let them know what natural supplements you may be ingesting so they can ensure your health remains the very best. semenax. By avoiding dangerous over-dosage of substances that are healthy when taken in smaller quantities, always read the label and if you doctor has recommended taking more or less than the label recommendations, note that fact on the bottle or package so that you don't make a dangerous error.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Anti Ageing Help And Protection

Asian skin can suffer from specific problems that can’t be addressed using regular beauty industry moisturisers and facial products. Asian skin is thicker than white skin and can be leathery in appearance. This means it needs richer, deeper penetrating creams.

The ideal moisturiser for Asian skin should contain a high Sun Protection Factor (SPF) to prevent further darkening of skin colour, and antioxidants for protection against harmful free radicals and pollution. how to get beautiful skin

Asian Skin Needs Anti Ageing Help And Protection

Younger Asian women in particular want their skin to appear lighter and blemish free with even skin tone. In this quest for an ivory complexion, many Asian women have used potentially harmful skin peels, or taken expensive tablets that claim to work from within, to lighten the skin.

Unfortunately many of these products contain harsh ingredients, and can produce uneven light-and-dark patches over the face and body. I do not want the next generation to risk harming their skin in this way, and I have researched the safest skin lighteners available.

Kojic acid is the active ingredient in the latest safe skin lightener. It helps lighten skin colour by inhibiting the production of melanin that causes skin darkening and age spots. The skin takes between 4-8 weeks to renew its layers, so during that time the new lighter skin cells come through and the whole complexion will look fresher and brighter.

Dark patches around the eyes are a problem for a lot of Asian women, and they often appear across the forehead and cheeks. This is usually a consequence of pregnancy or hormonal changes at the menopause. These blemishes can be unsightly, and many women would like to get rid of them without using harmful chemicals or undergoing cosmetic surgery.

The skin around the eyes is much finer than the rest of the face, and cannot absorb a normal face cream. If we compare the thickness of skin on the various parts of our body to paper, the delicate eye area would be like tissue paper, the face like writing paper, and the neck like wrapping paper. how to get rid of acne scars and blemishes

Anti Ageing Help And Protection

A skin treatment cream for this delicate area needs the correct consistency for absorption around the eyes, otherwise puffiness and swelling will be made worse. A mild skin bleaching ingredient such as kojic acid can be used in an eye treatment cream, to reduce the appearance of dark eye circles.

Sun damage is also a major hazard for Asian skin – not only making it darker, but also causing blemishes and scarring. There are safe skin treatments designed to prevent or repair sun damage, at any age by using vitamins A and E with antioxidants.

This combination will help to boost the skin’s immune system and can reduce the appearance of existing blemishes by speeding up tissue repair. Lypozomes are another important ingredient, as they help fade brown spots by changing the rate of skin cell clustering, and leave the skin looking younger and clearer.

Using these skin care ingredients is not vanity – they are a vital protection for healthy skin in today’s environment. When buying cream for Asian skin, you should ask which active ingredients it contains, and whether the products have been tested to local safety standards.

In the UK this means they should be tested in accordance with Department of Trade & Industry requirements, to ensure safety and effectiveness. Most of us will also want to check that the products have not been tested on animals.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Changing Your Subconscious Self Image For Permanent Weight Loss

The most important picture you will ever change in your subconscious mind is the picture you now have of yourself right now. You will start with this image. You will start recreating your subconscious imagery by recreating your existing body picture.

Before starting your imagery training, it is important that you become totally relaxed in order to focus your mind. Once you have accomplished this, you will find it is quite easy to engage all of your senses, making it possible for you to create a new body image. hgh reviews bodybuilding

Once you feel you are completely relaxed, I want you to see a picture of your body in your subconscious mind. When you have your body in focus, I want you to reshape it, to exactly how you want it to look.

See your new body down to the smallest detail; make it become so real that it seems that you have already accomplished your weight goal. Once you have your new body picture completed, place yourself in a physical activity that you know you would enjoy and will be beneficial in helping you attain your new weight goal.

This activity can be anything from a brisk walk to an aerobics class, to playing tennis, to completing an unfinished task. Your new body is now capable of performing any activity that you find enjoyable.

Changing Your Subconscious Self Image For Permanent Weight Loss

The emotional states that drive you to overeat or eat when you are not hungry are fear, guilt and anger. These emotional states are responsible for depression and low self-esteem. When creating your new self-image, you must exchange these negative emotional states for your most powerful emotional state.

Changing Your Subconscious Self Image For Permanent Weight Loss

Love is your most powerful emotional state especially when directed to your new self-image. It is essential that you practice reproducing your new active body imagery on a daily basis. It is only through daily practice that your new body picture will become a permanent part of your subconscious, thus allowing you to reproduce this picture without a moments thought.

The power of Burris MIND/FITNESS is in the ability to change programmed emotional states that do not work for you, for programmed emotional states that DO work for you.

Regardless of weather your goal is a change in diet for weight loss, an increase in your fitness program or to take control of an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia. In the end the question you need to ask yourself is…Am I completely happy with the mind running itself or do I need to take control of it? If your answer is I need to take control of it, then Burris MIND/FITNESS is the answer. fastest way to lose weight

Changing Your Subconscious Self Image For Permanent Weight Loss

The health of your body is dependent on your mental health and taking control of the subconscious is the key to lasting permanent change of any behavior.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Why Can't I Lose Weight - 3 Possible Reasons

That’s the question many people ask when their weight loss plan isn’t working.

Asking yourself ‘Why can’t I lose weight?’ is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself. It says you know that what you’re currently doing isn’t working for you.

Why Can't I Lose Weight

You’re at the place where you’re ready to look at alternatives – try something different to get a result you want.

So why can’t you lose weight? Here are 3 possible reasons you may not be losing weight – and some suggestions on what you can do about it. what is the fastest way to lose weight

#1) Medical Reasons 

Now this is not the same as saying you’re genetically programmed to be overweight. That is hogwash. In fact scientists estimate that even if you do have a genetic propensity to gain weight, your genes only account for 15 – 25% of your current weight. So forget the genetics excuse.

But there are medical reasons that some people can’t lose weight. Low thyroid, adrenal exhaustion, insulin resistance and other medical conditions can make losing weight near to impossible.

That’s why before starting any weight loss plan, you should talk to your doctor first. Have a full workup and make sure that you don’t have any health issues standing in the way of your weight loss.

There’s nothing more frustrating that trying to lose weight, doing all the right things and not losing an inch – all because of a medical condition. Get the medical condition cleared up first and then address the weight (in fact, the weight may just go down on it’s own once you get the medical condition addressed).

#2) Emotional Eating 

I recently read an article where a nutritionist estimated that 75% of overeating was due to emotions. 75%! Can you imagine what would happen if you learned to eliminate emotional eating and cut out all those calories? What a weight loss impact! The weight would be falling off.

Why Can't I Lose Weight

Unfortunately, in today’s world, emotional eating is on the rise. Most people today are feeling the pressure of an increasingly hectic lifestyle. We hardly have time to tie our shoes, never mind deal with our emotions.

Because of this, our emotions get stuffed down and ignored until finally they explode and we’re face-down in a bowl of Rocky-Road ice cream with extra chocolate sauce.

Here’s the bottom line: you are human and you have emotions. Your emotional needs are important and need to be addressed properly with love. You need emotional nurturing and proper emotional care.

If that means you take a 5 minute break every few hours at work to regain your emotional balance, do it. If that means you need to unwind by doing a mall walk and window shopping after work – don’t let anything stop you.

Learn to nurture your emotional health and you’ll nip emotional eating in the bud – and start losing weight FAST.

#3) Mismatched Weight Loss Plan 

There are many different ways to lose weight and dozens of weight loss programs to choose from. Some plans emphasize a change in diet, others emphasize a change in exercise, others focus on the inner reasons for overeating.

Every person is different and will lose weight in their own unique way. If what you’re doing now isn’t currently working, it may be a simple case of personality-plan mismatch.

Maybe instead of a diet-focused weight loss plan, you would feel better with a fitness-focused weight loss plan or a psychological weight loss plan. There are lots of plans to choose from and you deserve to take your time and find one that fits your personality and lifestyle best.

If you think this is the case, take some time to review different diet or weight loss plans. Find one that you can get excited about, one that makes sense to you and that fits your belief system and personality. That’s when you’ll make real weight loss progress!

So those are 3 possible reasons for your weight loss plateau. You don’t have to stay stuck in a weight loss rut. You don’t have to keep asking yourself the frustrating question: Why Can’t I Lose Weight?’ Keep believing in yourself and in your dreams. Don’t give up and you will get there!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Is The Herbal Way The Right Way

Is The Herbal Way The Right Way

More and more people are opting to live the herbal life: moving away from chemicals and scientific medicines, and taking traditional herbs to do everything from losing weight to relieving pain.

They are often remedies that have been used in communities for hundreds or even thousands of years, and have now been taken for sale worldwide because of the people’s claims about their powers. What Is HGH

The last few decades have seen an explosion in the popularity of herbs and alternative medicine in general, as people increasingly seek miracle cures that can help them when their doctor or regular pharmacy cannot. The connection to traditional communities also appeals to those who want to go back to a more spiritual, myth-based way of life, instead of testing everything in a laboratory.

It is also often believed that using herbs instead of chemicals can avoid the potential side effects of putting lots of synthetic substances into the body.

Is The Herbal Way The Right Way

Many people, however, say that herbal remedies are just a load of mumbo-jumbo, designed to sell gullible people some useless plants at premium prices. When the herbs do have some effect, it is put down to them being a placebo.

This means that the act of taking the herb that makes you feel like you should feel better, and so you do, even if there was nothing in the herb itself to make that happen.

Most scientists, however, do not hold extreme opinions either for or against the herbal lifestyle, instead preferring to study each herb to see which are useless and which may actually have some benefit. This leads to the situation where many herbal shops stock herbs that have been proven to do nothing side-by-side with ones that do – a situation that is often criticised, with many calling for greater regulation of herbal medicines. fastest way to lose weight in a week

Taking the wrong herbs can even be dangerous to some people, especially people who are already taking prescribed medicines.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Quit Smoking It Is Your Health

Quit Smoking It Is Your Health

If you smoke, you know how difficult it is to Quit Smoking. How many times have you said to yourself or to your friends or family that you are going to quit smoking today or tomorrow or even next week with no such luck, or I’m going to join a stop smoking program and never do.

People do not understand that nicotine is a drug and it is addictive and its not easy to quit. After all the times of saying you will quit and you can’t its because the addictions remains.

Lets take a closer look at the effects of. Smoking has an injurious effect on most all of ones body parts. Its not so hard to believe but the biggest risk is to your lungs as they are affected most adversely and whats funny is, the most addicted smokers know the risk of lung cancer and continue to smoke.

But there is much more than one might know, smoking can adversely affect your hair, brain, eyes, nose, skin, teeth, mouth and throat, hands, esophagus, respiratory system and lungs, cardiovascular system, liver, abdomen, kidneys and bladder, male reproductive system, bones, blood, immune system, and your legs and feet.

Quit Smoking It Is Your Health

So, how important is your health to you? Do you really want to Stop Smoking? There are so many different programs on the market today, what works for one may not work for another, and based on reasons for wanting to quit. Is it out of demand, illness or do you just have the pure desire to quit?

When searching for a quit smoking program, you will want to look at the pros and cons and warnings associated with each program, do they use medication, meditation or what is the primary methodology to guide you to break your addiction.

You will be amazed at how many diverse stop smoking programs are out on the market today. The big question is, do you really honestly want to quit? If you answered yes, then you and only you need to get a handle on your addiction. Find the program that feels best for you and go for it.

It only takes a short period of time to break the chemical dependency to nicotine, it’s the habits that is hard, or when you are stressed or happy or other triggers that make you want to smoke. Have a great attitude, and confidence in yourself that you can quit this horrible addiction and you will do it.

Have much success with your quit smoking program, it may become stressful at times, but stay strong and know that your health is worth it. Do it Now, because your LIFE depends on it. hgh reviews 2014